10.9.22 Hebrews: “Secure, Confident, and Patiently Hopeful”
Hebrews: “Secure, Confident, and Patiently Hopeful”
Hebrews 6:9-20
October 9, 2022
I. Praise for works that flow naturally from faith
1. Their works flowed naturally from love
2. Their works continued even though their growth stagnated
II. Patience that holds on to God's promises to the end
1. They were to be diligent
2. They were to be imitators
3. Their belief led to action
III. Peace that comes from our High Priest that secured our hope
Let’s Go Deeper:
1. What is the relationship between the confrontation in the previous verses and the confidence the author expresses in Hebrews 6:9-20?
2. Other than Abraham, name others in the Old Testament that exercised patient faith?
3. How did the fact that God swore by himself encourage and equip Abraham to wait for the fulfillment of the promise of an heir? How can that encourage us to wait patiently for God to fulfill His promises to us?
4. What are some of the promises that we must wait patiently for God to fulfill?
5. What are some ways that God's word has served as anchor since you have become a Christian?